API Guides > ConceptRT 3.x
Base scalar types

Basic scalar types of ConceptRT. More...

Detailed Description

Basic scalar types of ConceptRT.

ConceptRT redefines many basic types to abstract types that may change of size depending on the target / compiler.

Example basic types
Int32 doubleWord = Int32Max;
UInt16 unsignedWord = 45000;
Pointer pointer = NULL;
PCChar8 message = "Hello world";
Float64 doubleReal = 6.4563;
UInt8 byte = UInt8Max;
Example advanced types
// SmartType
SmartInt32 doubleWord; // auto-initialize to 0
doubleWord = 56;
Int32 value = doubleWord;
// Nullable
Nullable<Float64> userValue; // initialized to NULL - Undefined
userValue = 8.567;
if (userValue != NullableNull)
Float64 value = userValue;
THROW_RT_EXCEPTION("Value not set by the user");

