template<class ElementType>
class ConceptRT::ConceptDynamicList< ElementType >
Concept Dynamic List. Polymorphous and configurable list content.
- Template Parameters
ElementType | Base ConceptElement type of the polymorphous list. The list accept only elements that are or that inherited from ElementType. |
- Examples:
- Machine/main.cpp.
BaseConceptFactory & | GetFactory () const |
| Gets the ConceptElement factory. More...
| ConceptDynamicList () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ~ConceptDynamicList () |
| Destructor. More...
ElementType & | AddNew (const BaseConceptFactory &factory) |
| Adds a new element More...
ElementType & | AddNew (const BaseConceptFactory &factory, const PCChar8 name) |
| Adds a new element. More...
template<class ElementSubType > |
ElementSubType & | AddNew () |
| Adds new base type element. More...
template<class ElementSubType > |
ElementSubType & | AddNew (const PCChar8 name) |
| Adds a new base type element More...
ElementType & | operator[] (Int32 index) |
| Array indexer operator. More...
void | ReadFrom (IDataStore &dataStore, IMessageCollector *messages=NULL) |
| Reads from. More...
void | WriteTo (IDataStore &dataStore) const |
| Writes to. More...
| ConceptList () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ConceptList (const ConceptList &right) |
| Default constructor. More...
ConceptList & | operator= (const ConceptList &right) |
| Assignment operator. More...
Int32 | GetCount () const |
| Gets the number of element contained. More...
Int32 | Add (ConceptElement &element) |
| Adds element. More...
Int32 | Add (ConceptElement &element, const PCChar8 name) |
| Adds element. More...
void | AddRange (const IReferenceList< ConceptElement > &list) |
| Adds a range of element. More...
void | Clear () |
| Clears the content of this container. More...
void | RemoveAt (Int32 index) |
| Removes a reference at index. More...
void | Insert (Int32 index, ConceptElement &element) |
| Inserts a reference. More...
void | Exchange (Int32 index1, Int32 index2) |
| Exchanges two references. More...
void | Move (Int32 index1, Int32 index2) |
| Moves a reference. More...
bool | IndexValid (Int32 index) const |
| Query if index is valid. More...
Int32 | IndexOf (const ConceptElement &element) const |
| Index of the given reference. More...
Int32 | Remove (const ConceptElement &element) |
| Removes an reference at index. More...
ConceptElement & | Swap (ConceptElement &element, Int32 index) |
| Swaps. More...
bool | GetFull () const |
| Query if the reference list is full. More...
bool | GetEmpty () const |
| Query if the reference list is empty. More...
ConceptElement & | operator[] (Int32 index) const |
| Array indexer operator. More...
void | Accept (IContainerVisitor &visitor) |
| Accepts IContainerVisitor to access the object published fields. More...
bool | IsNameUnique (PCChar8 name, ConceptElement *element=NULL) |
| Query if 'name' is an unique name . More...
String | GenerateUniqueName (PCChar8 baseName="Item", ConceptElement *element=NULL) |
| Generates a unique name. More...
const bool & | GetIsXmlPropertyVisible () const |
| Show the xml field in the invocation. More...
const bool & | GetIsXmlPropertyVisible () |
| Show the xml field in the invocation. More...
void | SetIsXmlPropertyVisible (const bool &value) |
| Show the xml field in the invocation. More...
const bool & | GetIsXmlPropertyReadOnly () const |
| Control access on the xml file shown in the invocation. More...
const bool & | GetIsXmlPropertyReadOnly () |
| Control access on the xml file shown in the invocation. More...
void | SetIsXmlPropertyReadOnly (const bool &value) |
| Control access on the xml file shown in the invocation. More...
| ConceptContainer () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ~ConceptContainer () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | Contains (ConceptElement &element) const |
| Query if this object contains the given element. More...
void | ResolveLinks () |
| Resolve links. More...
void | Invoke (const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, DynamicInvocationResult &result) |
| Invokes the object fields and methods. More...
ConceptElement * | Find (const PCChar8 path) const |
| Searches into the container and sub-containers an element. More...
virtual ConceptElement * | FindByName (const PCChar8 name) const |
| Searches into the container an element. More...
template<class ElementSubType > |
ElementSubType * | FindByName (const PCChar8 name) const |
| Searches into the container an element of a certain type. More...
void | RetrieveProvidedFactories (BaseConceptFactories &factories, const Predicate< BaseConceptFactory & > &filter) |
| Retrieve provided factories. More...
void | RetrieveProvidedFactories (BaseConceptFactories &factories) |
| RetrieveProvidedFactories. More...
void | RetrieveFactories (BaseConceptFactories &factories) const |
| Retrieve factories. More...
const bool & | GetIsInvocable () const |
| Controls if the objet should be shown in the invocation. More...
const bool & | GetIsInvocable () |
| Controls if the objet should be shown in the invocation. More...
void | SetIsInvocable (const bool &value) |
| Controls if the objet should be shown in the invocation. More...
const bool & | GetIsSerialized () const |
| Controls if the objet should be serialized. More...
const bool & | GetIsSerialized () |
| Controls if the objet should be serialized. More...
void | SetIsSerialized (const bool &value) |
| Controls if the objet should be serialized. More...
| ConceptElement () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ConceptElement (const ConceptElement &right) |
| Default constructor. More...
ConceptElement & | operator= (const ConceptElement &right) |
| Assignment operator. More...
const StaticString< ConceptElementNameMaxLength > & | GetName () const |
| Gets the name. More...
void | SetName (const PCChar8 name) |
| Sets a name. More...
String | GetPath () const |
| Gets the path of the ConceptElement. More...
ConceptContainer * | GetContainer () const |
| Gets the container of the ConceptElement. More...
template<class ContainerType > |
ContainerType * | GetContainerOfType () const |
| Gets the container of a certain type the ConceptElement. More...
ConceptContainer * | GetRootContainer () const |
| Gets the root container of the ConceptElement. More...
virtual const String | GetDisplayName () const |
| Gets the display name. More...
virtual void | CopyDataFrom (const ConceptElement &source) |
| Copies the data from another ConceptElement. More...
virtual void | CopyFrom (const ConceptElement &source) |
| Copies itself from a given source. More...
ConceptElement & | GetProvider () const |
| Gets the provider of the ConceptElement if defined, throws a ConceptException otherwise. More...
template<class T > |
T & | GetProvider () const |
| Gets the provider of the ConceptElement if defined and of type T, throws a ConceptException otherwise. More...
bool | GetHasProvider () const |
| Tests the existence of a provider. More...
template<class T > |
bool | GetHasProvider () const |
| Tests the existence of a provider of type T. More...
virtual ConceptElement * | Clone () const |
| Makes a deep copy of this object. More...
void | RetrieveProvidedFactories (BaseConceptFactories &factories) |
| Retrieve provided factories. More...
Variant | GetPropertyMetaData (PCChar8 propertyName, PCChar8 metaDataName, const Variant &defaultValue=Variant::GetVariantNull()) const |
| Returns a metadata string corresponding to a property and a metadata name. More...