API Guides > ConceptRT 3.x
ConceptRT Namespace Reference

Library conceptRT namespace. Don't forget to use. More...

Detailed Description

Library conceptRT namespace. Don't forget to use.

using namespace ConceptRT;


 Informations about the assembly of ConceptRT such as version and release.
 Utilitaries functionalities for Visitalbe container.
 Utilities for Exceptions.
 Runtime check functionalities such as blocking code and non deterministic validation.
 Utilitaries functionalities for Threads.


class  _IInvocable
class  AcquisitionChannel
 Acquisition channel More...
class  AcquisitionChannels
 Acquisition channels list More...
class  AcquisitionSystem
 Base class for acquisition system More...
class  AcquisitionSystemRT
 Realtime acquisition system. More...
struct  ActualType
 Actual type stucture used for rt_dynamic_cast. More...
struct  ActualType< const T >
 Actual type stucture used for rt_dynamic_cast. More...
struct  ActualType< T & >
 Actual type stucture used for rt_dynamic_cast. More...
struct  ActualType< T * >
 Actual type stucture used for rt_dynamic_cast. More...
class  AutoDispose
 Automatic dispose. More...
class  AutoLock
 Automatic lock. More...
class  BackgroundService
 Background category service. More...
class  BaseCircularBuffer
 Base class for CircularBuffer. More...
class  BaseConceptDynamicComponent
 Base concept dynamic component. More...
class  BaseConceptDynamicList
 Base class of ConceptDynamicList. More...
class  BaseConceptFactories
 Base classe for ConceptFactories lists. More...
class  BaseConceptFactory
 Base concept factory. More...
class  BaseConceptMultipleLink
 BaseConceptMultipleLink. More...
class  BaseConceptProvidedFactory
 Base class for provided factory. More...
class  BaseConceptSingleLink
 Base concept single link. More...
class  BaseConceptStaticList
 BaseConceptStaticList. Base class for ConceptStaticList. More...
class  BaseConsole
 Base class for console. More...
class  BaseDataLogger
 Base data logger. More...
class  BaseDynamicInvocationClientChannelMemory
 Base dynamic invocation client channel memory. More...
class  BaseDynamicInvocationConsole
 Base class for DynamicInvocationConsole. More...
class  BaseDynamicInvocationDataLogger
 Base dynamic invocation data logger. More...
class  BaseDynamicInvocationServerChannelMemory
 Base dynamic invocation server channel memory. More...
class  BaseEventMultiDelegate
 Base event_pattern that executes multiple delegates More...
class  BaseEventMultiDelegateVoid
 Base event_pattern that executes multiple delegates without parameter More...
class  BaseFileBuffer
 Base class for FileBuffer. More...
class  BaseInvocableArray
 Base Invocable array. More...
class  BaseInvocableArray< ElementType, Size, true >
 Base Invocable array. (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableArrayDynamicFixed
 Base Invocable array whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  BaseInvocableArrayDynamicFixed< ElementType, true >
 Base Invocable array whose size is fixed at the construction time. (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableList
 Base Invocable list. More...
class  BaseInvocableList< ElementType, Size, true >
 Base Invocable list. (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableListDynamicFixed
 Base Invocable list whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  BaseInvocableListDynamicFixed< ElementType, true >
 Base Invocable list whose size is fixed at the construction time. (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceList
 Base class for invocable reference list More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceList< ElementType, Size, true >
 Base class for invocable reference list (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceListDynamic
 Base Invocable reference list that autosize. More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceListDynamic< ElementType, true >
 Base Invocable reference list that autosize. (For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceListDynamicFixed
 Base Invocable reference list whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  BaseInvocableReferenceListDynamicFixed< ElementType, true >
 Base Invocable reference list whose size is fixed at the construction time.(For invocable items type) More...
class  BaseLinkedReferenceList
 Base classe for linked references list. More...
class  BaseLogStream
 base stream for logger. More...
class  BaseMemoryStream
 Base class for memory stream. More...
class  BaseMessageCollector
 Message collector. More...
class  BaseOwningPointer
 Base owning pointer. Base class used by OwningPointer. More...
class  BasePersistent
 Base class for persistent. More...
class  BaseRealtimeDataLoggerAdapter
 Base class for RealTimeDataLoggerAdapter. More...
class  BaseReferenceList
 Base class for ReferenceLists. More...
class  BaseSafeArray
 Base safe array. More...
class  BaseSafeList
 Base class for SafeLists. More...
class  BaseService
 Base class for Service. More...
class  BaseServiceController
 Base class for service controller. More...
class  BaseStaticString
 Basic static string class that handle fundamental string's functionalities. More...
class  BaseTeeDataLogger
 File data logger. More...
class  BaseTeeOutputStream
 Base class for TeeOutputStream. Duplicates all character over all output streams. More...
class  BinaryReader
 Binary reader. More...
class  BinaryWriter
 Binary writer. More...
class  CircularBuffer
 Bufferize datas in a circular way. More...
class  ComparisonLower
 Comparison lower. More...
class  ComparisonUpper
 Comparison upper. More...
class  ConceptComponent
 Concept component. Each class of the user domain model should inherite from this class to use the ConceptModel integrated services. Serialization, DynamicInvocation and Initialization are the integrated services provided by ConceptRTModel. More...
class  ConceptContainer
 Concept container. A container that can contain others ConceptElement. More...
class  ConceptContainerInitializator
 Initialize the Concept container. This visitor initializes the scalar value to 0 or false and initilizes the container hierachy. More...
class  ConceptDataStore
 DataStore needed to de-serialize polymorphous model. More...
class  ConceptDynamicComponent
 Concept dynamic component. Polymorphous and configurable single content. More...
class  ConceptDynamicList
 Concept Dynamic List. Polymorphous and configurable list content. More...
class  ConceptElement
 Concept element. Very base class of the ConceptRTModel classes. More...
class  ConceptFactories
 Concept factories. List of ConceptFactory. More...
class  ConceptFactoriesDynamic
 List of ConceptFactory that auto-size. More...
class  ConceptFactoriesList
 Base classe for Factories lists. More...
class  ConceptFactoriesNull
 List of factories that is null. More...
class  ConceptFactory
 Concept factory. More...
class  ConceptFactoryOwned
 Concept factory owned. More...
class  ConceptFinderVisitor
 Concept finder visitor. Find a subobject with its name. More...
class  ConceptLink
 Concept link. Base class for ConceptSingleLink and ConceptMultipleLink of ConceptRTModel. At Resolve links time, the links are resolved and links references are therefore set. More...
class  ConceptLinkResolver
 Concept link resolver. Goes through the hierarchy to resolve the links of all subobject recursively. More...
class  ConceptList
 ConceptList. Base class of ConceptStaticList and ConceptDynamicList More...
class  ConceptMultipleLink
 Concept multiple link. More...
class  ConceptProvidedFactory
 Concept factory provided. More...
class  ConceptRegistry
 Concept registry. Register root nodes of an application. Allow absolute pathes between root nodes in the application. More...
class  ConceptSingleLink
 Concept single link. More...
class  ConceptStaticList
 ConceptStaticList. Homomorphous list. More...
class  ConceptTypeId
 Type id used for rt_dynamic_cast. More...
class  Console
 Console system More...
class  ContainerInitializator
 Initialize the IVisitableContainer. This visitor initializes the scalar value to 0 or false. More...
class  CriticalSection
 Abstraction of a critical section. A critical section object provides synchronization similar to that provided by a mutex object, except that a critical section can be used only by the threads of a single process. Event, mutex, and semaphore objects can also be used in a single-process application, but critical section objects provide a slightly faster, more efficient mechanism for mutual-exclusion synchronization. More...
class  DataArray
 Invocable, Visitable and Serializable Array More...
class  DataArrayDynamicFixed
 Invocable, Visitable and Serializable Array whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  DataList
 Invocable, Visitable and Serializable List More...
class  DataListDynamicFixed
 Invocable, Visitable and Serializable List whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  DataStoreReaderContainerVisitor
 Visitor that reads a IContainerVisitor in put the item and subContainer into a DataStore More...
class  DataStoreWriterContainerVisitor
 Visitor that writes a DataStore into a IContainerVisitore. More...
class  DataStructure
 Creates invocable and serializable structure. More...
class  Date
 Date according to ISO 8601. More...
class  DateTime
 Date and Time together according to ISO 8601.. More...
class  Delegate
 Base class for delegates. More...
class  DelegateBackgroundService
 Background category service executing a delegate. More...
class  DelegateFunction
 Delegate that is able to execute a function. More...
class  DelegateFunctionVoid
 Delegate that is able to execute a function without parameter. More...
class  DelegateMethod
 Delegate that is able to execute a method of an instance. More...
class  DelegateMethodVoid
 Delegate that is able to execute a method without parameter of an instance. More...
class  DelegateVoid
 Base class for delegates without parameter. More...
class  Dictionary
 Dictionary of association between key and value. More...
class  DirectoryIterator
 Gets a directory items content. More...
class  DownTimer
 Time down counter until TimeZero is reached More...
class  DynamicEventMultiDelegate
class  DynamicFixedReferenceList
class  DynamicFixedSafeList
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannel
 Dynamic invocation client channel. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelDynamicMemory
 Dynamic invocation client channel dynamic memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelMemory
 Dynamic invocation client channel memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelSharedMemory
 Dynamic invocation client channel shared memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelSharedMemoryBase
 Base for dynamic invocation client channel shared memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelTcp
 Dynamic invocation client channel tcp. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientChannelUdp
 Dynamic invocation client channel udp. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientObject
 Dynamic invocation client object. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientObjectChild
 Dynamic invocation client object child. More...
class  DynamicInvocationClientObjectRoot
 Dynamic invocation client object root. More...
class  DynamicInvocationConceptVisitor
 Dynamic invocation concept visitor. More...
class  DynamicInvocationConsole
 Dynamic invocation console. More...
class  DynamicInvocationContainerVisitor
 Dynamic invocation container visitor. More...
class  DynamicInvocationDataLogger
 Dynamic invocation data logger with preallocated memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationDynamicMemoryRoot
 Dynamic invocation dynamic memory root. More...
class  DynamicInvocationMemoryRoot
 Dynamic invocation memory root. More...
struct  DynamicInvocationObjectReference
 Dynamic invocation object reference. More...
class  DynamicInvocationPathResolver
class  DynamicInvocationRequest
 Dynamic invocation request. More...
class  DynamicInvocationRequestPackedStrings
 Dynamic invocation request packed strings. More...
class  DynamicInvocationRequestParameters
 Dynamic invocation request parameters. More...
class  DynamicInvocationResult
 Dynamic invocation result. More...
class  DynamicInvocationResultPackedStrings
 Dynamic invocation result packed strings. More...
class  DynamicInvocationResultStream
 Dynamic invocation result stream enables us to get a stream from the DynamicInvocationResult. More...
class  DynamicInvocationServerChannel
 Dynamic invocation server channel. More...
class  DynamicInvocationServerChannelSharedMemory
 Dynamic invocation server channel shared memory. More...
class  DynamicInvocationServerChannelTcp
 Dynamic invocation server channel tcp. More...
class  DynamicInvocationServerChannelUdp
 Dynamic invocation server channel udp. More...
class  DynamicInvocationSharedMemoryStrings
 Dynamic invocation shared memory strings. More...
class  DynamicInvocationSynchronPathResolver
 Synchron path resolver through dynamic invocation mechanisms More...
class  DynamicLibrary
 Abstraction if dynamic library mecanism. More...
class  DynamicReferenceList
class  DynamicSafeArray
class  Event
 Abstraction of a event. An event object is a synchronization object whose state can be explicitly set to signaled by use of the Set function. The threads waiting for the event will be resumed. More...
class  EventDelegate
 Event_pattern that executes delegates More...
class  EventDelegateVoid
 Event_pattern that executes delegates More...
class  EventMultiDelegate
 Event_pattern that executes multiple delegates More...
class  EventMultiDelegateDynamic
 Event_pattern that executes multiple delegates (AutoSize) More...
class  EventMultiDelegateVoid
 Event_pattern that executes multiple delegates without parameter More...
class  EventMultiDelegateVoidDynamic
 Event_pattern that executes multiple delegates (AutoSize) without parameter More...
class  EventSingleDelegate
 Event_pattern that executes a single delegate More...
class  EventSingleDelegateVoid
 Event_pattern that executes a single delegate without parameter More...
class  FileBuffer
 FileBuffer of static size. More...
class  FileBufferDynamic
 File that can be used in cyclic context thanks to its internal buffer. Usage is non-deterministic.. More...
class  FileBufferDynamicFixed
 File that can be used in cyclic context thanks to its internal buffer. The buffer size is fixed at the construction time. Construction is non-deterministic. Usage is deterministic. More...
class  FileDataLogger
 File data logger More...
class  FileStream
 Abstraction of a file. More...
class  FilterFactoryByName
 Predicate that filter factories by a given name. More...
class  FromString
 From string. To cast any string to most common types. More...
class  IContainerVisitor
 Container visitor interface. More...
class  IDataStore
 Interface for element that gives the service of DataStore. More...
class  IDisposable
 IDisposable. More...
class  IInvocable
 Invocable interface. More...
class  IList
class  ILockable
 Abstraction of a lock. The concept of lock is used to protect shared resource from simultaneous access by multiple threads or processes. More...
class  IMappingInputAcyclic
 Base interface for Input Acyclic. More...
class  IMappingInputAcyclic< type >
class  IMappingInputCyclic
 Base interface for Input Cyclic. More...
class  IMappingInputCyclic< type >
class  IMappingOutputAcyclic
 Base interface for Output Acyclic. More...
class  IMappingOutputAcyclic< type >
class  IMappingOutputCyclic
 Base interface for Output Cyclic. More...
class  IMappingOutputCyclic< type >
class  IMappingSync
 Interface for Sync mapping. More...
class  IMessageCollector
 Interface of message collector. More...
class  IMonomorphousList
 List interface. More...
class  Input
 Base class for Inputs. More...
class  InputDigitalAcyclic
 Input Digital Acyclic. More...
class  InputDigitalCyclic
 Input Digital Cyclic. More...
class  InputFloat32Acyclic
 Input Float32 Acyclic. More...
class  InputFloat32Cyclic
 Input Float32 Cyclic. More...
class  InputFloat64Acyclic
 Input Float64 Acyclic. More...
class  InputFloat64Cyclic
 Input Float64 Cyclic. More...
class  InputGenericAcyclic
 Base class for Input Acyclic. More...
class  InputGenericCyclic
 Base class for Input Cyclic. More...
class  InputInt16Acyclic
 Input Int16 Acyclic. More...
class  InputInt16Cyclic
 Input Int16 Cyclic. More...
class  InputInt32Acyclic
 Input Ïnt32 Acyclic. More...
class  InputInt32Cyclic
 Input Int32 Cyclic. More...
class  InputInt64Acyclic
 Input Int64 Acyclic. More...
class  InputInt64Cyclic
 Input Int64 Cyclic. More...
class  InputInt8Acyclic
 Input Int8 Acyclic. More...
class  InputInt8Cyclic
 Input Int8 Cyclic. More...
class  InputOutput
 Base class for IOs. More...
class  InputOutputCycleSync
 Io for Synchronization with the field-bus. More...
class  InputOutputSystem
 Singleton node for Ios abstraction management. More...
class  InvocableArray
 Invocable array. More...
class  InvocableArrayDynamicFixed
 Invocable array whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  InvocableList
 Invocable list. More...
class  InvocableListDynamicFixed
 Invocable list whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  InvocableReferenceList
 Invocable reference list More...
class  InvocableReferenceListDynamic
 Invocable reference list that autosize. More...
class  InvocableReferenceListDynamicFixed
 Invocable reference list whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  IoImage
 IoImage More...
class  IoImageBase
 Base class for IoImage More...
class  IoMapping
class  IoMappingChannelItem
 summary> Base mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclic
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputDigital
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputFloat32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputFloat64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputInt16
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputInt32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputInt64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicInputInt8
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputDigital
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputFloat32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputFloat64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputInt16
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputInt32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputInt64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemAcyclicOutputInt8
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclic
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputDigital
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputFloat32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputFloat64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputInt16
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputInt32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputInt64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicInputInt8
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputDigital
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputFloat32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputFloat64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputInt16
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputInt32
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputInt64
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemCyclicOutputInt8
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingChannelItemSync
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoMappingItem
class  IoMappingNullItem
 Base class for Null mapping. More...
class  IoMappingNullItemSync
 Mapping class for Null technology. More...
class  IoMappingSimulationItem
 summary> Base mapping class for Simulation technology. More...
class  IoMappingSimulationItemSync
 Mapping class for channel. More...
class  IoNull
 Technology Null. More...
class  IoSimulation
 Simulation IO technology. More...
class  IoTechnology
 IoTechnology base class. More...
class  IoTechnologyChannel
 Channel IoTechnology to connect to IoManager. More...
class  IoTechnologyChannelBase
 IoTechnology channel base class. More...
class  IoTechnologyList
 IoTechnology list. More...
class  IPropertyMetaDataProvider
 Property metaData provider interface. More...
class  IReferenceList
 List of references. More...
class  is_base_of
 Helper to find out if a class inherite from another. More...
class  is_of_compatible_type_test
 Helper inner class to find out if an expression return type is equal to a given type. More...
class  ISerializable
 Interface for element that gives the service of being serializable. More...
class  IStringConvertible
 Interface for values that give the service of being string convertible. More...
class  IThreadSectionWaitListener
 Thread section wait listener interface. More...
class  IVisitableContainer
 Visitable container interface. More...
class  Licence
 Licence for licence management More...
class  LicenceFeature
 Licence feature for licence management More...
class  LicenceManager
 Singleton node for licence management More...
class  LinkedList
 Linked cells List. More...
class  LinkedListCell
 Linked list cell. More...
class  LinkedReferenceList
 Linked references list. More...
class  LinkedReferenceListCell
 Linked list cell. More...
class  LinkedStack
 Linked stack. More...
class  LogStream
 Stream for logger with preallocated memory. More...
class  MemoryBufferDynamic
 Memory buffer that autosize. Advanced allocation management of the memory when size is updated. More...
class  MemoryStream
 Memory stream. More...
class  MemoryStreamDynamic
 Memory stream that autosize. More...
class  MemoryStreamDynamicFixed
 Dynamic Fixed Memory stream whose size is fixed at the construction time. Construction is non-deterministic. Usage is deterministic. More...
class  MessageCollector
 Message collector. More...
class  MessageCollectorDynamic
 Dynamic memory message collector. More...
class  MessageCollectorNull
 Null message collector. More...
class  MessageCollectorStream
 Message collector stream. More...
class  Mutex
 Abstraction of a mutex.A mutex object is used to protect a shared resource from simultaneous access by multiple threads or processes. Each thread must wait for ownership of the mutex before it can execute the code that accesses the shared resource. For example, if several threads share access to a database, the threads can use a mutex object to permit only one thread at a time to write to the database. More...
class  NonCopyable
 Base class that prevents objects to be copied with copy constructor or operator=. More...
class  NotAvailableFactory
 NotAvailableFactory. Not able to create anything. More...
class  Nullable
 Generic class to add Nullable on Simple type More...
class  NullableNullClass
 Class to enable writing Nullable{valueType} = NullableNull More...
class  NullContainerVisitor
 Helper to implement a simple visitor. More...
union  OperatingSystemData
 Defines an alias representing operating system data pointer. More...
class  Output
 Base class for Outputs. More...
class  OutputDigitalAcyclic
 Output Digital Acyclic More...
class  OutputDigitalCyclic
 Ouput Digital Cyclic. More...
class  OutputFloat32Acyclic
 Output Float32 Acyclic More...
class  OutputFloat32Cyclic
 Ouput Float32 Digital Cyclic. More...
class  OutputFloat64Acyclic
 Output Float64 Acyclic More...
class  OutputFloat64Cyclic
 Ouput Float64 Digital Cyclic. More...
class  OutputGenericAcyclic
 Base class for Output Acyclic. More...
class  OutputGenericCyclic
 Base class for Output Cyclic. More...
class  OutputInt16Acyclic
 Output Int16 Acyclic More...
class  OutputInt16Cyclic
 Ouput Int16 Cyclic. More...
class  OutputInt32Acyclic
 Output Int32 Acyclic More...
class  OutputInt32Cyclic
 Ouput Int32 Cyclic. More...
class  OutputInt64Acyclic
 Output Int64 Acyclic More...
class  OutputInt64Cyclic
 Ouput Int64 Cyclic. More...
class  OutputInt8Acyclic
 Output Int8 Acyclic More...
class  OutputInt8Cyclic
 Ouput Int8 Cyclic. More...
class  OwningArrayPointer
 Owning pointer for C-like array. More...
class  OwningPointer
 Owning pointer. Object that contains a pointer to an object. This object is owned by the OwningPointer therefore delete the OwningPointer will delete the owned object. More...
class  PackedStringList
 Strings collection. More...
class  PackedStringListDynamic
 Strings collection that autosizes. More...
class  PackedStringListDynamicTcp
 Dynamic packed string list tcp. More...
class  PackedStrings
 Base class for Strings collection. More...
class  ParameterEmpty
 Parameter empty. Example of use : Delegate with empty arguments. More...
class  ParameterPredicate
 Parameter to build predicate delegate. More...
class  PeerInfo
 Information about the peer. More...
class  PersistenceDiagnostic
 Diagnostic of Persistence mechanism. More...
class  Persistent
 Persistent container class More...
class  Persistent_
 Base class for Persistent. More...
class  Persistent_< DataType, IsSerializableType, true >
 Base class for Persistent. More...
class  Persistent_< DataType, true >
class  Persistent_< DataType, true, IsIStringConvertible >
 Base class for Persistent. More...
class  Persistent__
 Base class for Persistent. More...
class  PluginClassManager
 Manager of plugIn of classes. More...
class  PointerListDynamic
 List of Pointer that autosizes. More...
class  Predicate
 Predicate pattern More...
class  PredicateDelegate
 Predicate delegate. More...
class  PredicateFalse
 Predicate pattern that always return false. More...
class  PredicateTrue
 Predicate pattern that always return true. More...
class  ProvidedComponent
 Helper that can be used with provided component. More...
class  RealtimeDataLoggerAdapter
 Real-time DataLogger Adapter : A real-time featured logger. More...
class  ReferenceList
 List of references. More...
class  ReferenceListDynamic
 ReferenceList that autosize. More...
class  ReferenceListDynamicFixed
 List of references whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  ReferenceListDynamicVisitable
 ReferenceList that autosize and that is visitable More...
class  RetrieveChildrenVisitor
 Visitor that retrive children of a given type. More...
class  RTException
 Exception for signalling error. More...
class  SafeArray
 Array ensures safe usage. More...
class  SafeArrayDynamicFixed
 Array safe to use whose size is fixed at the construction time. Construction is non-deterministic. Usage is deterministic. More...
class  SafeList
 List ensures safe usage. More...
class  SafeListDynamicFixed
 List safe to use whose size is fixed at the construction time. More...
class  Semaphore
 Abstraction of a semaphore. A semaphore object is a synchronization object that maintains a count between zero and a specified maximum value. The count is decremented each time a thread completes a wait for the semaphore object and incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore. When the count reaches zero, no more threads can successfully wait for the semaphore object state to become signaled. The state of a semaphore is set to signaled when its count is greater than zero, and nonsignaled when its count is zero. More...
class  Service
 Service helper class. More...
class  ServiceControllers
 Singleton ServiceControllers More...
class  ServiceControllerThread
 Thread class for service controller. More...
class  SHA1DigestAlgorithm
 SHA1 Hash algorithm More...
class  SHA1DigestAlgorythm
class  SHA1Hash
 SHA1 Hash data More...
class  SharedMemory
 Abstraction of a shared memory. More...
class  SharedMemoryBase
 Base class for shared memory. More...
struct  SharedMemoryView
 SharedMemory View of the IoImage. More...
class  SharedResource
 SharedResource is a pattern that allocates only one instance of a class, with reference counting. SharedResource instance is automatically allocated/freed when needed. More...
class  Singleton
 Singleton is a pattern that allows only one instance of a class. More...
class  SmartPointer
 Helper class to use pointer. More...
class  SmartType
 Generic class to store simple type values. Automatically initialized to 0. Can be used more or less like a standard variable of the simple type. More...
class  Socket
 Socket. More...
class  SocketTcp
 Socket tcp. More...
class  SocketTcpClient
 Socket tcp client. More...
class  SocketTcpServer
 Socket tcp server. More...
class  SocketUdp
 Socket udp. More...
class  SocketUdpBroadcast
 Socket udp broadcast. More...
class  SocketUdpClient
 Socket udp client. More...
class  SocketUdpServer
 Socket udp server. More...
class  StaticString
 String of N caracters where N is a template parameter. More...
class  Stream
 Stream. More...
class  StreamReadPCChar8
 Stream from buffer More...
class  StringDynamicFixed
 String whose size is fixed at the construction time. Construction is non-deterministic. Usage is deterministic. More...
class  Strings
 String collection abstraction. More...
class  SubStrings
 Sub strings collection. More...
class  SynchronThreadGroup
 Synchron thread group. More...
class  SyncPersistenceBaseItem
 Sync persistent controller base item class. More...
class  SyncPersistenceController
 Persistence controller for simple variable. More...
class  SyncPersistenceThread
 Thread class for sync persistent controller. More...
class  SyncPersistentItem
 Sync persistent controller item. More...
class  System
 System node (static class) to access to the system functionalities. More...
class  TeeDataLogger
 Tee data logger : One to many loggers. More...
class  TeeOutputStream
 Tee output stream. Duplicates all character over all output streams. More...
class  TextReader
 Text reader. More...
class  TextReaderNode
 TextReaderNode enables us to get a TextReader in order to read the node of the DataStore. Used when the strcutrue of the node's data is specialized. More...
class  TextReaderNodeDocument
 TextReaderNode for XmlDataStoreDocument. More...
class  TextReaderNodeStream
 TextReaderNode for XmlDataStoreStream. More...
class  TextWriter
 Text writer. More...
class  TextWriterNode
 TextWriterNode enables us to get a TextWriter in order to write the node of the DataStore. Used when the strcutrue of the node's data is specialized. More...
class  TextWriterNodeDocument
 TextWriterNode for XmlDataStoreDocument. More...
class  TextWriterNodeStream
 TextWriterNode for XmlDataStoreStream. More...
class  Thread
 Abstraction of a thread. More...
class  ThreadLocalStorage
 Abstraction of a thread local storage. More...
class  ThreadsAutoSectionExecute
 Auto section execute helper class. More...
class  ThreadsAutoSectionWait
 Auto section wait helper class. More...
class  Time
 Time features in hour, minute, secondes, etc. More...
class  TimeMeasurement
 Helper to measure a process time. More...
class  Timer
 Abstraction of a timer. More...
class  TimeSpan
 Time unit. Resolution is 100 ns. More...
class  UpTimer
 Time up counter (Chronometer) More...
class  Variant
 Variant. More...
class  VisitableDynamicReferenceList
class  WeekNumber
 Week number according to ISO 8601. More...
class  XmlBaseDocument
 Base class for XmlDocument. More...
class  XmlChildren
 XmlElement Nodes for XmlNode. More...
class  XmlDataStoreDocument
 DataStore that acces to an XmlDocument. More...
class  XmlDataStoreReader
 DataStore that reads an xml formated source (Stream). More...
class  XmlDataStoreStream
 Base class for XmlDataStoreReader and XmlDataStoreWriter. More...
class  XmlDataStoreWriter
 DataStore that writes to an xml formated destination (Stream). More...
class  XmlDocument
 XmlDocument that allows parallel access to nodes. More...
class  XmlDocumentSymmetricSigned
 XmlDocument signed by a symmetric encryption. More...
class  XmlElement
 XmlElement for XmlNode. More...
class  XmlNode
 XmlNode for XmlDocument. More...
class  XmlReader
 Xml reader. More...
class  XmlReaderConceptVisitor
 Xml reader concept visitor. This visitor goes through the container and read its content into a reader. More...
class  XmlText
 XmlElement value for XmlNode. More...
class  XmlWriter
 Xml writer. More...
class  XmlWriterConceptVisitor
 Xml writer concept visitor. This visitor goes through the container and write its content from a writer. More...


typedef Int64 DynamicInvocationObjectId
 Defines an alias representing identifier for the dynamic invocation object. More...
typedef MemoryStreamDynamicFixed DynamicFixedMemoryStream
 DynamicFixedMemoryStream More...
typedef MemoryStreamDynamic DynamicMemoryStream
 DynamicMemoryStream More...
typedef StaticString< 255 > String
 String type for standard usage. More...
typedef StringDynamicFixed DynamicFixedString
 DynamicFixedString More...
typedef long long Int64
 Type for 64 bits signed integers. More...
typedef long Int32
 Type for 32 bits signed integers. More...
typedef short Int16
 Type for 16 bits signed integers. More...
typedef char Int8
 Type for 8 bits signed integers. More...
typedef unsigned long long UInt64
 Type for 64 bits unsigned integers. More...
typedef unsigned long UInt32
 Type for 32 bits unsigned integers. More...
typedef unsigned short UInt16
 Type for 16 bits unsigned integers. More...
typedef unsigned char UInt8
 Type for 8 bits unsigned integers. More...
typedef char Char8
 Type for 8 bits characters. More...
typedef Char8PChar8
 Type for pointers on 8 bits characters. More...
typedef const Char8PCChar8
 Type for pointers on 8 bits const characters. More...
typedef short Char16
 Type for 16 bits characters. More...
typedef Char16PChar16
 Type for pointers on 16 bits characters. More...
typedef const Char16PCChar16
 Type for pointers on 16 bits const characters. More...
typedef float Float32
 Type for 32 bits floating point values. More...
typedef double Float64
 Type for 64 bits floating point values. More...
typedef void * Pointer
 Type for Pointers. More...
typedef Int64 TimeStamp
 Type for 64 bits timestamp, in 100 ns unit. More...
typedef SmartType< bool > SmartBool
 Type similar to bool, with automatic initialization to false. More...
typedef SmartType< Int64SmartInt64
 Type similar to Int64, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< Int32SmartInt32
 Type similar to Int32, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< Int16SmartInt16
 Type similar to Int16, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< Int8SmartInt8
 Type similar to Int8, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< UInt64SmartUInt64
 Type similar to UInt64, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< UInt32SmartUInt32
 Type similar to UInt32, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< UInt16SmartUInt16
 Type similar to UInt16, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< UInt8SmartUInt8
 Type similar to UInt8, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< Float64SmartFloat64
 Type similar to Float64, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef SmartType< Float32SmartFloat32
 Type similar to Float32, with automatic initialization to 0. More...
typedef ConceptFactoriesDynamic DynamicConceptFactories
 DynamicConceptFactories More...


enum  InvalidIndexConst
 Values that represent an invalid index. More...
enum  DayOfWeek
 Values that represent DayOfWeek. More...
enum  Month
 Values that represent Month. More...
enum  MemberType {
 Values that represent MemberType. More...
enum  InvocationType {
 Values that represent InvocationType. More...
enum  InvocationResultType {
 Values that represent InvocationResultType. More...
enum  DefaultBaseConst
 DefaultBase. More...
enum  TextAlignment {
 Values that represent TextAlignment. See AlignText. More...
enum  SubStringsConstant
enum  DayPerYearConst { DayPerYear }
 DayPerYearConst More...
enum  MonthPerYearConst { MonthPerYear }
 MonthPerYearConst More...
enum  DayPerWeekConst { DayPerWeek }
 DayPerWeekConst More...
enum  HourPerDayConst { HourPerDay }
 HourPerDayConst More...
enum  MinutePerHourConst { MinutePerHour }
 MinutePerHourConst More...
enum  SecondPerMinuteConst { SecondPerMinute }
 SecondPerMinuteConst More...
enum  MillisecondPerSecondConst { MillisecondPerSecond }
 MillisecondPerSecondConst More...
enum  MicrosecondPerMillisecondConst { MicrosecondPerMillisecond }
 MicrosecondPerMillisecondConst More...
enum  TickPerMicrosecondConst { TickPerMicrosecond }
 TickPerMicrosecondConst More...
enum  XmlNodeNameMaxLengthEnum
 XmlElement for XmlNode. More...
enum  DefaultStackSizeConst { DefaultStackSize }
 Default statck size. More...
enum  ThreadPriority {
 Thread priorities. More...
enum  FileMode {
 Values that represent FileMode. More...
enum  MaxCommandLineConstants {
 Parameters line constants. More...
enum  SocketOption {
 Values that represent SocketOption. More...
enum  ConceptElementNameMaxLengthConstant
 ConceptElement Name Max Length. More...
enum  FileDataLoggerMode {
 File data logger mode More...
enum  MaxPersistentDataSizeEnum
 Max persistent data Size. More...
enum  MaxPersistentDiagnosticEnum
 Max persistent dignostic messages. More...
enum  MaxPersistentDiagnosticTextLengthEnum
 Max persistent dignostic messages length . More...
enum  MaxPersistentNameLengthEnum
 Max lenth of the persistent name. More...


void ConceptRTUtilsInitialize ()
 Initialize ConceptRTUtils layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTUtils layer. More...
bool IsConceptRTUtilsInitialized ()
 Query if ConceptRTUtils layer has been initialized. More...
void ConceptRTUtilsFinalize ()
 Finalize ConceptRTUtils layer. Should be called after using ConceptRTUtils layer. More...
template<class ElementType >
bool operator== (const BaseSafeArray< ElementType > &left, const BaseSafeArray< ElementType > &right)
 Equality operator. More...
template<class ElementType , class Comparison >
void SortArray (BaseSafeArray< ElementType > &array_)
 Sort array with a comparaison custom class. More...
template<class ElementType >
void SortArray (BaseSafeArray< ElementType > &array_)
 Sort an array from lowest to highest value (ComparisonLower). More...
template<class ElementType >
bool operator== (const BaseSafeList< ElementType > &left, const BaseSafeList< ElementType > &right)
 Equality operator. More...
template<class ElementType , class Comparison >
void SortList (BaseSafeList< ElementType > &list)
 Sort list with a comparaison custom class. More...
template<class ElementType >
void SortList (BaseSafeList< ElementType > &list)
 Sort list from lowest to highest value (ComparisonLower). More...
template<class ElementType >
bool operator== (const IReferenceList< ElementType > &left, const IReferenceList< ElementType > &right)
 Equality operator. More...
template<class ElementType , class Comparison >
void SortList (IReferenceList< ElementType > &list)
 Sort reference list with a comparaison custom class. More...
template<class ElementType >
void SortList (IReferenceList< ElementType > &list)
 Sort reference list from lowest to highest value (ComparisonLower). More...
const NullableNullClassGetNullableNull ()
 Object to enable writing Nullable{valueType} = GetNullableNull(). See also the macro NullableNull. More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator== (const Nullable< valueType > &left, const Nullable< valueType > right)
 Equal operator for nullables More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator== (const Nullable< valueType > &left, const NullableNullClass right)
 Equal operator for nullables More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator== (const NullableNullClass left, const Nullable< valueType > &right)
 Equal operator for nullables More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator!= (const Nullable< valueType > &left, const Nullable< valueType > right)
 Not equal operator for nullables More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator!= (const Nullable< valueType > &left, const NullableNullClass right)
 Not equal operator for nullables More...
template<class valueType >
bool operator!= (const NullableNullClass left, const Nullable< valueType > &right)
 Not Equal operator for nullables More...
template<class pointerType >
bool operator== (const pointerType *left, const SmartPointer< pointerType > &right)
 Equal operator for SmartPointer More...
template<class pointerType >
bool operator!= (const pointerType *left, const SmartPointer< pointerType > &right)
 Not equal operator for SmartPointer More...
bool IsBase64 (Char8 c)
 Query if the char is Base64 . More...
void Base64Encode (const void *data, const Int32 dataSize, BaseStaticString &result)
 Base64Encode . More...
void Base64Encode (const void *data, const Int32 dataSize, Stream &result)
 Base64Encode . More...
void Base64Encode (Stream &source, Stream &result)
 Base64Encode . More...
Int32 Base64Decode (PCChar8 source, void *data, const Int32 dataSize)
 Base64Decode . More...
TimeSpan operator- (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Subtraction operator. More...
Time operator+ (const Time &left, const TimeSpan &timeSpan)
 Addition operator. More...
Time operator- (const Time &left, const TimeSpan &timeSpan)
 Subtraction operator. More...
bool operator< (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator<= (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Time &left, const Time &right)
 Finaliser. More...
TimeSpan operator- (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Subtraction operator. More...
WeekNumber operator+ (const WeekNumber &left, const TimeSpan &timeSpan)
 Addition operator. More...
bool operator< (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const WeekNumber &left, const WeekNumber &right)
 Finaliser. More...
TimeSpan operator- (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Subtraction operator. More...
Date operator+ (const Date &left, const TimeSpan &timeSpan)
 Addition operator. More...
Date operator- (const Date &left, const TimeSpan &timeSpan)
 Subtraction operator. More...
bool operator< (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Date &left, const Date &right)
 Finaliser. More...
TimeSpan operator- (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Subtraction operator. More...
DateTime operator+ (const DateTime &left, const TimeSpan &timespan)
 Addition operator. More...
DateTime operator- (const DateTime &left, const TimeSpan &timespan)
 Subtraction operator. More...
bool operator> (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator< (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const DateTime &left, const DateTime &right)
 Finaliser. More...
bool IsLeapYear (Int32 year)
 Query if this date is leap year. More...
Int32 DayPerMonth (Int32 year, Month month)
 Days per month. More...
String DayName (DayOfWeek day)
 Get the day name. More...
String MonthName (Month month)
 Get the month name. More...
String IntlDayName (DayOfWeek day)
 Get the day name with Intl encapsulation. More...
String IntlMonthName (Month month)
 Get the month name with Intl encapsulation. More...
Int32 GetSessionIdentifier ()
 Gets the session identifier. More...
Int32 GenerateInvocationId ()
 Generates an invocation identifier. More...
void DynamicInvocationWriteResult (DynamicInvocationResult &result, const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, PCChar8 value)
 Dynamic invocation write result. Function used in helper macros. More...
void DynamicInvocationWriteResult (DynamicInvocationResult &result, const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, const BaseStaticString &value)
 Dynamic invocation write result. Function used in helper macros. More...
void DynamicInvocationWriteResult (DynamicInvocationResult &result, const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, const Variant &value)
 Dynamic invocation write result. Function used in helper macros. More...
void DynamicInvocationWriteResult (DynamicInvocationResult &result, const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, IInvocable &value)
 Dynamic invocation write result. Function used in helper macros. More...
template<bool isInvocable>
void DynamicInvocationAppendReadOnlyFieldMetaData (DynamicInvocationResult &result, const DynamicInvocationRequest &request, PCChar8 fieldName)
 Dynamic invocation append read only field meta data. More...
template<class T , class U >
rt_dynamic_cast (U &object)
 dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI. More...
template<class T , class U >
const T rt_dynamic_cast (const U &object)
 dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI. More...
template<class T , class U >
rt_dynamic_cast (U *object)
 dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI. More...
template<class T , class U >
const T rt_dynamic_cast (const U *object)
 dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI. More...
TimeStamp GetFastTick ()
 Gets the system fast tick. More...
Pointer Concept_Malloc (Int32 size)
 Memory allocation. More...
Pointer Concept_Realloc (Pointer buffer, Int32 currentSize, Int32 targetSize)
 Memory re allocation. More...
void Concept_Free (Pointer &buffer)
 Memory free. More...
String FormatExceptionThrowLine (PCChar8 throwline)
 Function used by THROW_RT_EXCEPTION to format the throwline of an exception. More...
String FormatSourceFileLine (PCChar8 line)
 Function used to simplify the CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE_LOCATION used in different macros such as THROW_RT_EXCEPTION to format the throwline of an exception. More...
bool IsAllowedBlockingCode ()
 Query if the context allows blocking code execution. More...
bool IsContextTimeCritical ()
 Query if the context is time critical. More...
StreamGetStreamNull ()
 Gets a Stream null which does nothing. More...
void DecodeSpecialChars (Stream &result, Stream &source)
 Decode special characters. Special chatacters are < > & &#. More...
void EncodeSpecialChars (Stream &result, Stream &source)
 Encode special characters. Special chatacters are < > & &#. More...
Char8 UpperCase (Char8 c)
 Upper case. More...
Char8 LowerCase (Char8 c)
 Lower case. More...
Int32 Length (PCChar8 text)
 Get the length. More...
bool Contains (PCChar8 text, Char8 c)
 Query if the given text contains the given character. More...
bool Contains (PCChar8 text, PCChar8 subString)
 Query if the given text contains the given sub string. More...
Int32 Find (PCChar8 text, Char8 c, Int32 start=0)
 Searches for a character in the string. More...
Int32 Find (PCChar8 text, PCChar8 subString, Int32 start=0)
 Searches for a subString in the string. More...
Int32 FindRightToLeft (PCChar8 text, Char8 c, Int32 start=-1)
 Searches for a character from the rigth in the string. More...
Int32 FindRightToLeft (PCChar8 text, PCChar8 subString, Int32 start=-1)
 Searches for a subString from the rigth in the string . More...
bool ValBool (PCChar8 text)
 Convert the text in bool value. More...
Int32 ValInt (PCChar8 text, Int32 base=DefaultBase)
 Convert the text in integer value. More...
UInt32 ValUInt (PCChar8 text, Int32 base=DefaultBase)
 Convert the text in integer value. More...
Int32 ValIntBaseC (PCChar8 text)
 Convert the text in integer value. Process the constants according C-style marker : 123 -> decimal, 045 -> Octal, 0x7a -> hexadecimal. More...
Int64 ValInt64 (PCChar8 text)
 Convert the text in integer value. More...
UInt64 ValUInt64 (PCChar8 text)
 Convert the text in integer value. More...
Float64 ValFloat (PCChar8 text)
 Convert the text in float value. More...
bool IsBool (PCChar8 text)
 Query if the text contains a bool value. More...
bool IsInt (PCChar8 text, Int32 base=DefaultBase)
 Query if the text contains an interger value. More...
bool IsFloat (PCChar8 text)
 Query if the text contains a float value. More...
void CheckBool (PCChar8 text)
 Check bool. Raise an exception whenever the string doesn't contains a bool value. More...
void CheckInt (PCChar8 text, Int32 base=DefaultBase)
 Check int. Raise an exception whenever the string doesn't contains an integer value. More...
void CheckFloat (PCChar8 text)
 Check float. Raise an exception whenever the string doesn't contains a float value. More...
bool SameText (PCChar8 textA, PCChar8 textB, bool ignoreCase=true)
 Compare a string to another. More...
Int32 Ascii (Char8 c)
 Convert a character to Ascii. More...
bool IsWhiteChar (Char8 c)
 Query if it is a white character. More...
bool IsAlphaNumeric (Char8 c)
 Query if it is an alphanumeric character. More...
String operator+ (const BaseStaticString &left, const BaseStaticString &right)
 Concatenation operator. More...
String operator+ (PCChar8 left, const BaseStaticString &right)
 Concatenation operator. More...
String operator+ (const BaseStaticString &left, PCChar8 right)
 Concatenation operator. More...
String operator+ (Char8 left, const BaseStaticString &right)
 Concatenation operator. More...
String operator+ (const BaseStaticString &left, Char8 right)
 Concatenation operator. More...
bool operator== (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Not equality operator. More...
bool operator< (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const BaseStaticString &string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const BaseStaticString &string1, PCChar8 string2)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator== (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const BaseStaticString &string1, PCChar8 string2)
 Not equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Not equality operator. More...
bool operator< (const BaseStaticString &string1, PCChar8 string2)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator< (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const BaseStaticString &string1, PCChar8 string2)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (const BaseStaticString &string1, PCChar8 string2)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator<= (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const BaseStaticString &s1, PCChar8 string2)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (PCChar8 string1, const BaseStaticString &string2)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
String ToString (PCChar8 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (Int64 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (UInt64 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (Int32 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (UInt32 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (bool value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (int value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (Int16 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (UInt16 value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (Float64 value, Int32 decimals=-1)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String ToString (const IStringConvertible &value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
const BaseStaticStringToString (const BaseStaticString &value)
 Convert this object into a string representation. More...
String HexString (Int32 value)
 Convert a integer value into a hexadecimal representation. More...
StaticString< 1 > Chr (Int32 ascii)
 Convert an ASCII value to a character. Not usable with 0, would return an empty string. More...
void Extract (BaseStaticString &extracted, BaseStaticString &remaining, PCChar8 separator)
 Extract a string from a given string. More...
void Extract (BaseStaticString &extracted, BaseStaticString &remaining, Char8 separator)
 Extract a string from a given string. More...
void ExtractRightToLeft (BaseStaticString &extracted, BaseStaticString &remaining, PCChar8 separator)
 Extracts from right to left. More...
void ExtractRightToLeft (BaseStaticString &extracted, BaseStaticString &remaining, Char8 separator)
 Extracts from right to left. More...
void ExtractArguments (BaseStaticString &extracted, BaseStaticString &remaining)
 Extracts the arguments. 'value' => value; "value" => value; "val 'int'" => val 'int'; 'val "int"' => val "int". More...
String Left (PCChar8 text, Int32 count)
 Extract the left part. More...
void Left (BaseStaticString &result, PCChar8 text, Int32 count)
 Extract the left part. More...
String Right (PCChar8 text, Int32 count)
 Extract the right part. More...
void Right (BaseStaticString &result, PCChar8 text, Int32 count)
 Extract the right part. More...
String Mid (PCChar8 text, Int32 first, Int32 count)
 Extract a string from this. More...
void Mid (BaseStaticString &result, PCChar8 text, Int32 first, Int32 count)
 Extract a string from this. More...
bool StartWith (BaseStaticString &text, BaseStaticString &start)
 Determines if it starts with start string. More...
String UpperCase (PCChar8 text)
 Upper case. More...
String LowerCase (PCChar8 text)
 Lower case. More...
String TrimLeft (PCChar8 text)
 Trim left. Removes blank characters on the left of the string. More...
String TrimRight (PCChar8 text)
 Trim right. Removes blank characters on the right of the string. More...
String Trim (PCChar8 text)
 Trim left and right. Removes blank characters on both side of the string. More...
String Format (PCChar8 text, PCChar8 argument0=NULL, PCChar8 argument1=NULL, PCChar8 argument2=NULL, PCChar8 argument3=NULL, PCChar8 argument4=NULL, PCChar8 argument5=NULL, PCChar8 argument6=NULL, PCChar8 argument7=NULL, PCChar8 argument8=NULL, PCChar8 argument9=NULL)
 Formats. Usage : Format("Value of {0} : {1}", "parameter1", ToString(x)); More...
String AlignLeft (PCChar8 text, Int32 resultLength, Char8 fillChar= ' ')
 Align characters on the left. More...
String AlignCenter (PCChar8 text, Int32 resultLength, Char8 fillChar= ' ')
 Align characters on center. More...
String AlignRight (PCChar8 text, Int32 resultLength, Char8 fillChar= ' ')
 Align characters on the right. More...
String AlignText (PCChar8 text, Int32 ResultLength, TextAlignment textAlignment, Char8 FillChar= ' ')
 Align text. More...
void EncodeSpecialChars (BaseStaticString &result, PCChar8 text)
 Encode special characters. Special chatacters are < > & &#. More...
void DecodeSpecialChars (BaseStaticString &result, PCChar8 text)
 Decode special characters. Special chatacters are < > & &#. More...
TimeSpan Weeks (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from weeks. More...
TimeSpan Days (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from days. More...
TimeSpan Hours (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from hours. More...
TimeSpan Minutes (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from minutes. More...
TimeSpan Seconds (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from seconds. More...
TimeSpan Milliseconds (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from milliseconds. More...
TimeSpan Microseconds (Int32 value)
 TimeSpan from microseconds. More...
TimeSpan operator- (const TimeSpan &left)
 Negative operator. More...
TimeSpan operator+ (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Addition operator. More...
TimeSpan operator- (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Subtraction operator. More...
bool operator< (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Less-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator> (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Greater-than comparison operator. More...
bool operator== (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator<= (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Less-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator>= (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator. More...
bool operator!= (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right)
 Not equality operator. More...
template<class NumericalType >
NumericalType BoundedValue (NumericalType value, NumericalType lowerBound, NumericalType upperBound)
 Bounded value. More...
Int32 Round (Float64 x)
 Rounds. More...
template<class NumericalType >
bool InRange (NumericalType value, NumericalType min, NumericalType max, bool strict=false)
 In range More...
void Convert (bool &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to a bool. More...
void Convert (Char8 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to a Char8. More...
void Convert (UInt8 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an UInt8. More...
void Convert (Int16 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an Int16. More...
void Convert (UInt16 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an UInt16. More...
void Convert (int &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an int. More...
void Convert (unsigned int &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an unsigned int. More...
void Convert (Int32 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an Int32. More...
void Convert (UInt32 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an UInt32. More...
void Convert (Int64 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an Int64. More...
void Convert (UInt64 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an UInt64. More...
void Convert (BaseStaticString &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to a BaseStaticString. More...
void Convert (Float32 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to a Float32. More...
void Convert (Float64 &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to a Float64. More...
void Convert (IStringConvertible &value, PCChar8 text)
 Converts a text to an IStringConvertible. More...
String IntlText (PCChar8 code, PCChar8 text)
 Intl text. More...
String IntlFormat (PCChar8 code, PCChar8 text, const Variant &parameter0=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter1=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter2=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter3=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter4=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter5=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter6=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter7=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter8=Variant::GetVariantNull(), const Variant &parameter9=Variant::GetVariantNull())
 Intl format. Format a parametered string with Intl More...
String XmlValidMarkup (PCChar8 markup)
 Remove not allowed character in markup name. More...
void ConceptRTOsInitialize ()
 Initialize ConceptRTOs layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTOs layer. More...
void ConceptRTOsInitialize (PCChar8 applicationPath)
 Initialize ConceptRTOs layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTOs layer. More...
bool IsConceptRTOsInitialized ()
 Query if ConceptRTOs layer has been initialized. More...
void ConceptRTOsFinalize ()
 Finalize ConceptRTOs layer. Should be called after using ConceptRTOs layer. More...
void Wait (TimeSpan time)
 Waits a given time. More...
void WaitTick ()
 Waits a system tick. More...
DateTime GetCurrentDateTime ()
 Gets the current date time. More...
bool IsThread ()
 Query if is it a thread. More...
ThreadGetThread ()
 Gets the calling thread. More...
Int32 GetStackSize ()
 Gets the stack size of the calling thread. More...
Int32 GetStackUsed ()
 Gets the stack used of the calling thread. More...
Int32 GetStackAvailable ()
 Gets the stack availability of the calling thread. More...
void CheckStackAvailable (Int32 size)
 Check if stack availability is greater than the given value. More...
bool SharedMemoryExists (PCChar8 name)
 Queries if a given shared memory exists. More...
bool FileExists (PCChar8 filename)
 Queries if a given file exists. More...
bool DeleteFile (PCChar8 filename)
 Deletes the file described by filename. More...
bool RenameFile (PCChar8 filename, PCChar8 newFilename)
 Rename file. More...
bool CreateDirectory (PCChar8 directoryName)
 Creates a directory. More...
const StringsGetCommandLineParameters ()
 GetCommandLineParameters() More...
const StringGetExecutablePath ()
 GetExecutablePath() More...
String GetApplicationPath ()
 Gets the application root file system path. More...
bool operator== (const PeerInfo &left, const PeerInfo &right)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const PeerInfo &left, const PeerInfo &right)
 Not Equality operator. More...
String ExtractFileName (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Extracts the file name described in FilePath. More...
String ExtractFilePath (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Extracts the file path described in FilePath. More...
void SplitFileName (const String FilePath, String &Path, String &FileName, String &FileExtension)
 Splits a file path into path, file name and file extension. More...
String ChangeFileExt (PCChar8 FilePath, PCChar8 NewExt)
 Change file extension. More...
bool IsAbsoluteFilePath (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Query if is it an absolute file path. More...
bool IsRelativeFilePath (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Query if is it a relative file path. More...
String AppendTrailingPathSeparator (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Appends a trailing path separator. More...
String RemoveTrailingPathSeparator (PCChar8 FilePath)
 Removes the trailing path separator. More...
bool CreateDirectoryPath (PCChar8 directoryPath)
 Creates a directory path. Create all hierachical directories contained in the given directory path. More...
bool WasLastShutDownNormal ()
 Query if the last shut down was normal. More...
void NotifyLastShutDownNormal ()
 Notifies the last shut down normal. This is called by ConceptRTOsFinalize but the notification can be done manually as well. More...
void ConceptRTComponentsInitialize ()
 Initialize ConceptRTComponents layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTComponents layer. More...
void ConceptRTComponentsInitialize (PCChar8 applicationPath)
 Initialize ConceptRTComponents layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTComponents layer. More...
bool IsConceptRTComponentsInitialized ()
 Query if ConceptRTComponents layer has been initialized. More...
void ConceptRTComponentsFinalize ()
 Finalize ConceptRTOs layer. Should be called after using ConceptRTOs layer. More...
String GetLogPath ()
 Get the logger files system path. More...
String GetPersistencePath ()
 Get the persistent file system path. More...
Cyclic API

None blocking functions suitable for cylic programming.

void StartFileExists (PCChar8 filename)
 Queries if a given file exists (Cyclic API). More...
bool IsFileExistsDone (bool &exist)
 Queries if a given file exists (Cyclic API). More...


const TimeSpan TimeInfinite
 The time infinite More...
const TimeSpan TimeZero
 The time zero More...
const PCChar8 TextTimeSpanInfinite
 The text that defines a time span infinite More...
const Int64 Int64Min
 The Int64 minimum More...
const Int64 Int64Max
 The Int64 maximum More...
const Int32 Int32Min
 The Int32 minimum More...
const Int32 Int32Max
 The Int32 maximum More...
const Int16 Int16Min
 The Int16 minimum More...
const Int16 Int16Max
 The Int16 maximum More...
const Int8 Int8Min
 The Int8 minimum More...
const Int8 Int8Max
 The Int8 maximum More...
const UInt64 UInt64Min
 The UInt64 minimum More...
const UInt64 UInt64Max
 The UInt64 maximum More...
const UInt32 UInt32Min
 The UInt32 minimum More...
const UInt32 UInt32Max
 The UInt32 maximum More...
const UInt16 UInt16Min
 The UInt16 minimum More...
const UInt16 UInt16Max
 The UInt16 maximum More...
const UInt8 UInt8Min
 The UInt8 minimum More...
const UInt8 UInt8Max
 The UInt8 maximum More...
const TimeStamp TimeStampInfinite
 Infinite TimeStamp value. More...
const PCChar8 IntlOpenMarker
 The intl open marker More...
const PCChar8 IntlCloseMarker
 The intl close marker More...
const PCChar8 IntlSeparatorMarker
 The intl separator marker More...
const TimeSpan DefaultDynamicInvocationServerChannelTcpReceiveTimeOut
 Default time out of Dynamic invocation server Tcp receive. More...
 File path separator. More...
 File extension separator. More...
const char ConceptRTThreadMainName []
 The name of the Thread in debugger. More...

Typedef Documentation


Since version 3.x : Use ConceptFactoriesDynamic instead !!


Since version 3.x : Use MemoryStreamDynamicFixed instead.


Since version 3.x : Use StringDynamicFixed instead.


Since version 3.x : Use MemoryStreamDynamic instead.

Function Documentation

void ConceptRT::CheckStackAvailable ( Int32  size)

Check if stack availability is greater than the given value.

sizeThe size.
RT Exceptions:
Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::CheckStackAvailable() instead.
void ConceptRT::ConceptRTUtilsFinalize ( )

Finalize ConceptRTUtils layer. Should be called after using ConceptRTUtils layer.

void ConceptRT::ConceptRTUtilsInitialize ( )

Initialize ConceptRTUtils layer. Should be called before using ConceptRTUtils layer.

String ConceptRT::FormatExceptionThrowLine ( PCChar8  throwline)

Function used by THROW_RT_EXCEPTION to format the throwline of an exception.

It is expected to simplify the file path.

throwlineThe throwline to format.
The formated throw line.
Since version 3.3 : Use FormatSourceFileLine().
String ConceptRT::GetApplicationPath ( )

Gets the application root file system path.

The application root file system path.
Since version 3.2 : Use System::GetApplicationPath() instead !!
const Strings& ConceptRT::GetCommandLineParameters ( )


The command line parameters.
Since version 3.2 : Use System::GetCommandLineParameters() instead !!
const String& ConceptRT::GetExecutablePath ( )


The executable path.
Since version 3.2 : Use System::GetExecutablePath() instead !!
SingleLibraryMode/main.cpp, and SystemMode/main.cpp.
Int32 ConceptRT::GetStackAvailable ( )

Gets the stack availability of the calling thread.

The stack available.
Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::GetStackAvailable() instead.
Int32 ConceptRT::GetStackSize ( )

Gets the stack size of the calling thread.

The stack size.
Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::GetStackSize() instead.
Int32 ConceptRT::GetStackUsed ( )

Gets the stack used of the calling thread.

The stack used.
Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::GetStackUsed() instead.
Thread& ConceptRT::GetThread ( )

Gets the calling thread.

The calling thread.
Must be called in a ConceptRT Thread execution.
RT Exceptions:
Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::GetThread() instead.
bool ConceptRT::IsAllowedBlockingCode ( )

Query if the context allows blocking code execution.

True is yes, False if no.
Since version 3.3 : Use RuntimeCheck::IsAllowedBlockingCode() instead.
bool ConceptRT::IsConceptRTUtilsInitialized ( )

Query if ConceptRTUtils layer has been initialized.

true if initialized, false if not.
bool ConceptRT::IsContextTimeCritical ( )

Query if the context is time critical.

True is yes, False if no.
Since version 3.3 : Use RuntimeCheck::IsContextTimeCritical() instead.
bool ConceptRT::IsThread ( )

Query if is it a thread.

Since version 3.3 : Use ThreadUtils::IsThread() instead.
T ConceptRT::rt_dynamic_cast ( U &  object)

dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI.

objectThe object to cast.
The cast result.

Depends on sepecifics macros

const T ConceptRT::rt_dynamic_cast ( const U &  object)

dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI.

objectThe object to cast.
The cast result.

Depends on sepecifics macros

T ConceptRT::rt_dynamic_cast ( U *  object)

dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI.

objectThe object pointer to cast.
The cast result.

Depends on sepecifics macros

const T ConceptRT::rt_dynamic_cast ( const U *  object)

dynamic_cast operation developped for system without RTTI.

objectThe object pointer to cast.
The cast result.

Depends on sepecifics macros